Windows Terminal from Zero to Hacker
You might have seen people in movies and in real-life working on their laptops in a terminal like thing and a lot is going on it and it looks pretty cool.
In this blog you are going to learn how to achieve the same look : )
What is Command Prompt
Well simply saying there are two ways to use a device one is with GUI (Graphical User Interface) and the other one is CLI (Command Line Interface) and the CLI is way faster than the GUI method of doing things like creating a file, renaming it, changing directories.
In short you can say that GUI is mouse focused whereas the CLI is keyboard focused.
Why Learn CMD
If you are in the field of computer science, then learning command line becomes an essential part of daily life. It’s faster and gives you more control over the system.
But why Windows CMD
Now many of you might say that developers use Unix based systems like — Linux, for their developing purposes then why learn windows command line?
The answer to that is pretty simple, 77% of devices have Windows OS in them which makes it useful to learn it at least at a basic level. I am not saying that you should only stick with Windows, but you should be familiar with it.
Let’s Start
That’s enough with the talking, now let’s start learning.
Useful TIPS in the end : )
Opening CMD — to open command prompt in windows click on the windows
icon and search for CMD
or command prompt
and select it.
It’ll open a terminal like this.
is the path
where you are currently present.
DIR (List Contents)
The dir
command is used to display the contents of the present directory or a specified directory.
dir C:\Users\91618\Desktop
dir /a // to see hidden files in a diectory
dir folder_1 // to look for contents of folder_1
dir *.png // used to look for a specific file type in a folder
dir *png *mp4 // can be done for multiple types also
dir /b // view like ls command (compact view)
If you just want to see the filenames then you can use the dir /b
CD (Change Directory)
In GUI when you need to change directories (folders) you double click on a folder to go inside of it, in CLI you use the cd
cd [absolute or relative path]
cd .. // used to goo back to its parent directory
cd Desktop/folder_name // multiple directories entry is valid
cd ../.. // goes back 2 steps
cd C:/Users/Desktop // absolute path can be entered as well
cd // it will show your current durectory
TIP: Press tab for auto filling the names
CLS (Clear Screen)
The cls
command is used to clear to terminal, which you might need for various purposes.
Opening Files
To open any file like an image you click on it in GUI and to do the same with CLI you just need to type file name (or it’s initial and press TAB
to auto complete).
It can be used for images, video, auio, text, code files etc.
‘/?’ is used to get information about a particular command.
command_name /?
// some examples
cd /?
dir /?
cls /?
MKDIR (Make Directory)
is used to create a new directory (folder).
mkdir directory_name
mkdir dir_1 dir_2 dir_3 // create multiple directories
mkdir "dir with spaces" // make a directory with spaces in name
RMDIR (Remove Directory)
is used to remove / delete a directory (folder).
rmdir dir_name
rmdir dir_1 dir_2 dir_3 // remove multiple directories
rmdir "dir with space" // use "" to remove a dir with spaces in its name
NOTE: If you try to remove a directory which holds some sub directories or files then rmdir won’t work alone.
To delete a directory which has content inside of it you need to use /s
tag with the command and then enter Y
or N
to select to remove it or not.
// You can place '/s' in between or at the end
rmdir /s dir_with_subfiles
rmdir dir_with_subfiles /s
TREE (See Files Structure)
command is used to make a visual tee to see the structure of the path specified.
tree [dir_path]
tree /f // to see full structure -> even the files
tree /a // output in ascii characters
COLOR (Change Colors)
command is used to change the colors of text and the background os your command prompt shell.
color [background][text]
// example
color 0A
By using color 0a
we get the 0 — black background and a — green color of the text.
color /?
to see all the options available.
color 0A // 0 - black and A - light green
color // get to default
color /? // to see the color list
With this command you can make your terminal look the way you want and also look cool in front of your friends ; )
ATTRIB (Modifying Attributes)
command is used to display, set or remove attribute assigned to files and directories.
attrib // to view the attributes present directory
attrib <filename> // to see attributes of a specific file
attrib /? // to see the various attributes
attrib +h <filename> // to add an attribute to a file => h -> hidden
attrib -h <filename> // to remove an attribute from a file
Below you can see how you can really make use of it —
This is similar to right clicking on a file then navigating to a property and then selecting that property like read only, hidden etc.
DEL (Delete a File)
command is used to delete a files, it can’t be used to delete folders.
del file.filetype
del demo.txt
del *.png // delete all .png files present in current folder
del C:\Folder\*.log // to delete all .log files present in specified folder
del /f read_only_file.txt // to force delete a file
del /s *.tmp // deletes all .tmp files in current directory and sub-directories
del /A:R example.txt // deletes all files based on attribute
ECHO (Print a Message)
Echo command is used to print something on the terminal or put/append data onto a file.
echo Hello, World!
echo data > file.txt
To append data on a file use >>
instead of >
echo Second Line >> file.txt
TYPE (See a File)
The type
command is used to read the content from a file and display or put it inside another file.
type filename.txt
type file1.txt file2.txt // read from multiple files
type file1.txt > file2.txt // put data of file1 to file2
type file1.txt >> file2.txt // append data from file1 to file2
type file1.txt file2.txt > combined.txt // combined file creation
You can also save outputs from commands like below —
dir >> output.txt
This can be very useful in many places, like pip freeze
if you know about it.
COPY (Copy files)
command is used to copy files from one location to another.
copy [source] [destination]
copy study_material.mp4 D:\Backup\ // it's not what you think it is ;)
copy *.mp4 D:\Backup\ // copy all mp4 files to Backup
copy file1.txt file2.txt // copy and rename a file
copy code.txt code.cpp // copy and change type of file
copy file1.txt+file2.txt+file3.txt combined.txt // combines and copies
MOVE (Move files)
command is used to move files or directories from one place to another.
move [source] [destination]
move file.txt D:\Backup\
move *.png D:\Backup\ // move specific type of files
move file.txt D:\Backup\haha.txt // move and rename file
move folder1 D:\folder2\ // move directories
move C:\folder1 C:\renamed_folder // raname a directory
RENAME (Renaming files)
or ren
command is used to rename a particular file or folder.
rename file.txt new_name.txt
ren *.txt *.bat // rename multiple files at once
ren file.txt // changing file extensions
rename file.txt D:\Backup\new_file.txt // move files + rename
rename file.txt "file with spaces.txt" // use "" to add spaces in file name
ren folder_1 folder_69 // rename folders/drectories
or start
command is used to open the current or specified location in GUI File Explorer.
explorer .
Very useful sometimes.
start .. // to open parent directory
explorer ..
explorer C:\Users // open a specific location
Note: in terminal ‘.’ represents the current location, if you are in ‘C:\Users\Documents’ then ‘.’ is equivalent to that.
You can also do the reverse process by clicking on the loacation and typing cmd
It’ll open up the command line in the same location.
CODE (To Open file in Code Editor)
command is used to open the specified location in your default code editor. (like — VS Code.
code [location]
code . // "to open current directory in code editor"
PROMPT (To change the prompt)
The prompt
command is used to rename the location
prompt your_prompt$g // $g is for getting `>` sign
If you messed up and want to get to default just type prompt
without anything else.
Exit (Exit out of CMD)
Now, that you have only used your keyboard for all these tasks it would be nice to exit out of it without clicking on close button with mouse.
We can use the exit
commmand to exit out of out terminal.
Shortcuts / Tips
1. Use up
and down
arrows to toggle between previous and next commands typed by you.
2. Use home
and end
buttons to go to first and last index of your prompt.
3. Use ctrl
+ left/right
arrows to move between words.
4. If you are confused about a command, then use /?
for its documentation.
At first it might look like the GUI approach is better but with a little practice you’ll see the speed increase in your daily tasks while programming.
I hope it helped you : )
Follow me on Twitter — Kamal Stark