Markdown (.md) 101
Markdown is a lightweight markup language just like HTML (yeah markdown is a markup language) which is used to create formatted text in within a plain-text editor.
You can use #
to create headings, the number of hashes indicates level of heading (from 1 to 6).
# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
###### Heading 6
To italicize or make text bolder use the following format.
*Italic text* or _Italic text_
**Bold text** or __Bold text__
**_Bold and italic text_**
Use asterisks, plus signs, or hyphens to create unordered lists.
Unordered Lists -
* Milk
* Fruits
* Apple
* Banana
- Oil
- Veggetables
- Tomato*
- Carrot*
Ordered List -
1. First item
2. Second item
1. Subitem 1
2. Subitem 2
To create hyperlinks, use square brackets for the text and parentheses for the URL.
[Must Try This Link](
The syntax for images is similar to links, but with an exclamation mark in front.

Use the >
symbol to create blockquotes, which are useful for highlighting quotes.
> This is a blockquote.
For inline code, wrap the text in backticks. For code blocks, use triple backticks or indent the code with four spaces.
`Inline Code`
For multiline code, wrap the code in triple backticks. You can also specify the languages.
age = 20
print("Age: ", age)
Horizontal Rule
You can create a horizontal rule by using three or more dashes, asterisks, or underscores on a new line.
To create tables, use pipes (|
) to separate columns and dashes to create headers.
| Header 1 | Header 2 |
| Row 1 | Row 2 |
| Row 3 | Row 4 |
Use the following template to try all of them at once, paste this markdown code in a .md
# Heading
> A little blockquote
This is a _paragraph_.
## Smaller Heading
This is a [Link](https://link/to/site)

| Header 1 | Header 2 |
| Mello | Hello |
| Bellow | Kello |
Use this command to make a directory `mkdir dir_name`.
This is a **Hello World** code in C.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
printf("Hello, World!!");
return 0;
List of programming languages -
1. C Programming
2. C++
3. C#
4. Python
5. Java
6. Ruby
7. Javascript
8. PHP
9. more...
If you are fan of making online notes then this is really helpful as it allows you to have emphasis, images, links, headings, tables and all easily and make better notes.
There is more to this which can be covered things like mathematical notations and graphs, but that is to be covered in future.
Thanks for your time~