The Two Sum Problem — Leet CodeAre you someone who is getting their feet in the world of Leet-Code then you have will probably start your journey with the Two Sum…Dec 2, 2024Dec 2, 2024
Calculator in C languageAs you know making a calculator is one of the first program which everyone makes but is it really that good??Oct 6, 2024Oct 6, 2024
From CSS to SCSS: Elevate Your Web Development GameSCSS (Sassy CSS) is an extension of CSS that allows us to write CSS in more maintainable manner. It allows features like variables…Oct 4, 2024Oct 4, 2024
Vim Pure BasicsYou might have opened a file in vim text editor by choice or mistake and there you might have had problems in writing to file and even…Oct 3, 2024Oct 3, 2024
Windows Terminal from Zero to HackerYou might have seen people in movies and in real-life working on their laptops in a terminal like thing and a lot is going on it and it…Oct 2, 2024Oct 2, 2024
All types of Casing in ProgrammingCasing is a way to name variables when more than just one word is required to name a variable as you can’t use spaces because spaces will…Oct 1, 2024Oct 1, 2024
Markdown (.md) 101Markdown is a lightweight markup language just like HTML (yeah markdown is a markup language) which is used to create formatted text in…Sep 30, 2024Sep 30, 2024
The Power of .gitignoreWhile working with your project or on someone else’s GitHub you might have seen a .gitignore file and may have wondered what it is used…Sep 16, 20242Sep 16, 20242
GitHub Basics 101 🍻If you’ve ever thought about putting your code online or you want to learn Version Control System (VCS) for your pushing your projects…Sep 15, 20241Sep 15, 20241
6 uncommon but useful tags in HTML🚀You might think that you know HTML at a good level and also think that there is not much to it than just making basic website’s structure…Sep 14, 20241Sep 14, 20241